01_23 Fear of others

The Fear of Man: What guides us? To what extent do people’s ideas; their attitude towards us; and the value they place on us affect us? In this unit we study the teaching of the Bible on this subject and try to discover our true value.


01_23_01 Why Are We Afraid Of People?

Why are we afraid of people? Why do people’s opinions affect us so much? What reasons lie behind this? Why are the opinions of other people so much more important to us that God’s opinions?

01_23_02 Compromise

Compromising means gradually moving away from God’s values because we are afraid of other people. What can we do about this? How can we stop compromising?

01_23_03 What Does It Say?

”But what would people say?” To what extent do people’s thoughts about us affect us? Are we condemned to live our lives constantly thinking everyone else is keeping an eye on us?

01_23_04 Who Do I Trust?

Who do I trust? When snow falls on the mountains we had trusted in, do we know who we can really rely on? In this study, we will discuss trust in God.